Exam pattern of CAT

CAT EXAM Pattern

CAT is a computer based test of 2 hrs.

CAT  will have three sections:

  • Section I: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension
  • Section II: Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning
  • Section III: Quantitative Ability
1.Candidates are not allowed to move between one session to other during the 40 Minutes assigned to particular section.
2.CAT test takers cannot leave their seats during the exam.
3.MCQs CAT exam pattern will need you to pick out 1 correct answer choice out of 4.
4.Non-MCQs IN CAT exam pattern will require you to type-in the correct answer on the computer screen.
5.Each correct answer in CAT exam pattern will be awarded 3 marks whether it is MCQ or Non-MCQ.
6.Each wrong answer for MCQ in CAT exam will be imposed penalty of 1/3 negative mark(-1mark).

7.There will be no penalty of negative marking on wrong answers to Non-MCQs in CAT exam pattern.
8.CAT exam pattern remains on the lines of CAT official Mock test released by IIMs a month before CAT exam.


Previous Years CAT Analysis

CAT 2023
Date: 26 Nov, 2023

Overall : CAT 2023 is togher than than CAT 2022. 

  • VA RC Section: Moderate to difficult. Options in each question were very very close.
  • LR DI Section : As usual difficult . Mathematical concept mean, median mod was required with logic to attempt. All sets were difficult.
  • QA Section : It was really difficult section. Less number of attempts is expected.     

CAT: Slot 3 (4:30 P.M.)

  • Same as slot 1
  • Surprise: No, but it was consider toughest slot .
  • Rest more and less same as in slot 1.

CAT: Slot 2 (12:30 P.M.)

  • Same as slot 1
  • Surprise: one Question was mandatory to attempt in Section 1: VA RC.
  • Odd man out Question. Rest more and less same as in slot 1.

CAT: Slot 1 ( 8:30 A.M.) 


Section MCQ NMCQ
(Number of Questions )
 (Number of Questions )
 Sec-1 VA RC Total Questions 24 20 4
 Sec-2 LR DI Total Questions 20 14 6
 Sec-3 QA Total Questions 22 15 7

 Sec -1 ( VA RC) 

Passage 1 Based on  Philosphy / Number of quesions 4
Passage 2 Based on Literature / Number of quesions 4
Passage 3 Based on Science / Number of quesions 4 
Passage 4 Based on History / Number of quesions 4
Para Jumble  Number of quesions 2
Para Summary Number of quesions 2
Sentence Completion Number of quesions 2
Odd one out Number of quesions 2

 Sec -2 ( LR DI ) 

 Set 1 Statistics Based on Mean, Median / Number of quesions 5
 Set 2Distribution based / Number of quesions 5 
 Set 3 to be published / Number of quesions 5
 Set 4 Maps and Network based / Number of quesions 5

Sec-3 ( QA)  

 From Arithmetic Number of quesions 8  
 From Algebra Number of quesions 6
 From Modern Math  Number of quesions 3
 From Geometry Number of quesions 3
 From Number System  Number of quesions 2

CAT 2022 

Date: Nov 27, 2022

Exam analysis: 

1. Section 1 VA& RC  Total questions  24  No of MCQ 21 No of NMCQ 3 
2. Section 2 LR& DI Total questions 20 No of MCQ 14 No of MCQ 6
3. Section 3 QA Total questions 22 No of MCQ 14 No of MCQ 8

Section 1 :Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT 2022

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension was the first section in CAT 2022 question paper. Key highlights of the section are:

•             VARC section had 24 Questions
•             Total Maximum marks allotted for the section were 72
•             Number of MCQs were 21
•             Number of TITA questions (Non-MCQs) were 3 
•             Number of RC Passages: 4 passages,
•             Number of RC Based questions: 16, each passage was followed by 4 questions 
•             Type of RC Based Questions: MCQs asking to explain and draw inference from the passages,  phrases, vocabulary,  Synonyms/Antonyms, Statement/Argument as used in RC passages,
•             Difficulty Level: Overall difficulty level was moderate. 2 RC Passages were found of a little higher difficulty level


 Type of Question No of Questions Typeof Questions  
 RC Passage 1 Chinese Concepts No of Questions 4MCQs
 RC Passage 2 Theory TechnologyNo of Questions 4MCQs
 RC Passage 3 Stories Concerning undeadNo of Questions 4MCQs
 RC Passage 4 Stoicism in 300 B.C.No of Questions 4 MCQs
 Parra SummaryNo of Questions 3  MCQs
 Parra Jumbling No of Questions 3TITA
 Fill in the Sentence in the blank in the part  No of Questions 2MCQs

Section-2: DILR Analysis for CAT 2022
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning was the second section in CAT 2022 question paper. 
Key highlights of DILR section analysis in CAT 2022 are

  • DILR section had 20 Questions
  • Total Maximum Marks assigned for the section were 60 in CAT 2022
  • Number of MCQs were 16
  • Number of TITA questions (Non-MCQs) were 4
  • Number of DI Problems: 2 Sets
  • Number of DI Questions: Each problem set followed by 5 questions
  • Type of DI Based Questions: All questions were based on Text and Data, True and False Statements, Mathematical calculations  
  • Number of LR Problems: 2 Sets
  • Total LR Questions: 10 (5 for each problem set)
  • Type of LR Based Questions: Two problem sets and each followed by 5 question

Question Composition in LR&DI Section 

 Type of QuestionsNo of Questions  
 DI Set 1 Interviewers 5 
 DI Set 2 Boys & Girls Planning graduation 5 
 LR Set 1 Metro Lines5 
  LR Set 2 Performance of women players5 

Section-3: Quantitative Ability Analysis in CAT 2022
This section had more number of questions based on Arithmetic with highest number of Non-MCQs.  

Key highlights of the QA section in CAT 2022 were:  

  • QA section had 22 Questions in CAT 2022
  • Total Maximum marks allotted for the section were 66
  • Number of MCQs: 14
  • Number of TITA questions (Non-MCQs): 8 
  • More Questions were based on Arithmetic
  • Type of Arithmetic Based Questions: Percentage, Ratio, Interest, Number System, Time, Speed
  • Other QA Question topics: Algebra, Geometry, Modern Math, Trigonometry

Question Composition in Quant Section

 Type of Question No of Questions
 Arithmetic:Average,Ratio Proportion,Profit Loss, Interest, Time & Distance, Time and Work  No of Questions 11
 AlgebraNo of Questions 3
 GeometryNo of Questions 4
 Number System and Modern Math No of Questions 4 

CAT 2021
CAT 2021 was a computer based test of 2 hrs.

S.N.SectionsNumber of QuestionsTime AllottedMaximum Score (Allotted)
1Verba ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)2640 Minutes78
2Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DI&LR) 2440 Minutes72
3Quantitative Ability (QA)2640 Minutes78
4Total76120 Minutes228

CAT 2020 
CAT 2020 Exam Pattern

S.N.SectionsNumber of QuestionsTotal Questions MCQTotal Questions NMCQ
1.VARC26 ( R.C. quesions  and V.A. questions )188
  Total questions =76, Total Time = 120 Minutes
There were three shifs in a day.Morning ,Afternoon & Evening Shift.

CAT 1999 
CAT 2019 Exam Pattern

S.N.SectionsNumber of QuestionsTotal Questions MCQTotal Questions NMCQ1.VARC34 ( RC quesions =24 and VA questions = 10 )2772.DILR322483.QA342212

Total questions =100, Total Time = 180 Minutes

CAT Exam pattern over the past 6 years.

S.N.yearTotal QuestionsNo. of Sections Total timeSec1Sec2Sec3Each Section time limit
1.2020763120VARC TQ 26DILR 24QA2640 Minutes
2.20191003180VARC TQ.34DILR 32QA 341Hr
3.20181003180VARC TQ.34DILR 32QA 341Hr
4.20171003180VARC TQ.34DILR 32QA34 1Hr
5.20161003180VARC TQ.34DILR 32QA 341Hr
6.20151003180VARC TQ.34DILR 32QA 341Hr

Part 1 Duration: 170 Minutes  
Section 1:  Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning (VA & LR)
 About 26 questions  
Section 2: Decision Making (DM)
 About 21 questions 
Section 3 Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation (QA & DI) 
 About 28 questions  

Part 2 Duration: 10 Minutes 
Section 4: General Knowledge (GK)
 About 20 questions


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